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Xian wall screws to force Internet companies, consumers win-win

Hits:Updated:2015-11-20 17:11:55【Print】【Close】

        State support of business transformation Internet model, the traditional wall screws fought in the Internet industry is an inevitable choice, the development trend of the Internet is unstoppable, consumers deeply into this "big net" in the industry are deeply see Internet trends charm of this network is not just limited to the electricity business development, as well as multi-channel expansion of the Internet's influence. Xian integrity screw factory wall to force the Internet, open the "Internet +" mode, to open the road to development of the Internet company.
Public, open Internet platform for product information becomes more transparent, it is bound to change the current wall screw industry many problems, and slowly setting up the industry standards, promote the healthy development of the whole industry. Overall, both the traditional building materials businesses or consumers, will always bring important opportunities for development.
        "Internet +" era, for the wall screws enterprise is not a small challenge. Cloud computing, big data, Industry 4.0, seemingly with the traditional wall noun moment screw industry is far from the forced temporary front wall screws are bound to be changes. Indeed, for the first time put forward the "Internet +" concept on two of the country earlier this year, which means that the screw through the wall must be combined with the future development of the Internet, the birth of a new form, a new format in order to obtain long-term healthy development.
        Force the Internet, is wall screws, bolts through the wall to open the brand to open shop online, more than the increase of product sales platforms? Industry sources do not agree. Insiders said that the Internet age, it has been difficult to know the customer is coming from. Omnipresent advertising, store promotion, network promotion, consumers are exposed to information changed much, as necessary publicity channels, the network can not be neglected. However, this does not mean to open a shop is the Internet-based, and should use the Internet to transform traditional business thinking. Wall screws from internal business operations, but also to implement Internet-based management.
        For example, Xian integrity wall screws plant to G3 cloud promote the Internet as a breakthrough, allowing companies clerks behind the scenes into the end customer. They are both customer service, but also frontline sales staff and after-sales service personnel. Use of the Internet thinking, not only led to the vitality of employees, but also for enterprises to create more interest.


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