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On the development trend of the domestic plastic screws

Hits:Updated:2015-11-20 17:11:49【Print】【Close】

    According to a recent production, the development of the situation, and the development of domestic and international related industries plastic screws of the same period, from which we can see the development prospects of the plastic screw is very broad. With the continuous adjustment of the domestic and international economic form of optimization, expert shallow parts trading network level to analyze national trends plastic screws.
    1. The development and adjustment in parallel. In past efforts, our plastic fastener industry with constantly being developed and attention has gradually embarked on the road of qualified rational development this year to develop maintained, such as Ganzhou surplus grain companies have chosen the direction of plastic screws, they strive to develop their own, to maintain steady growth, the realization of the nature of the company from production to research and development, production and sales, the scope of services expanded plastic screws go into the various industries, such as automotive side shell, panels, LED lighting, display frame, PC board, and many other industries have their presence. It is also many domestic plastic screw industry development model.
    2. The construction and supplies industry is the focus of market development. Ganzhou Wo surplus corporate experts said that the construction of the domestic real estate business has been a hot, production and sales of construction materials in this under there the majority of the market, the quality of the plastic screw often determines the quality of construction. At the same time, emphasizing the quality of life today, as small as a door buckle, large household appliances, automobiles all have plastic screw product figure.
    3. seize foreign markets. Europe and the United States and other developed economies will continue to import most of the plastic screw from China. But manufacturers will look on some of these countries with the best quality products. Meanwhile, as Ganzhou Wo surplus plastic screw successful experience, not only to achieve excellent quality, can make good use of this advantage is the cost of logistics, but also to seize the key international markets.
    Therefore, prima facie, both in the domestic plastic screw screw industry, or other cross-industry has a very strong development prospects, whereby each plastic screw industry if businesses can profit enterprises such as Ganzhou Wo general grasp of the future potential of plastics companies, So easy success.


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