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Stainless steel screws Internet penetration, View the Future of the fastener industry

Hits:Updated:2015-11-20 17:11:02【Print】【Close】

    Opp official website for accessories, the rapid development of the Internet in China ten years, the most obvious feature is the original Internet industry, we think that the new economy, and now we think that the situation can be combined with various traditional industries, including stainless steel screws. And then to the retail sector, e-commerce from the field of communications, to entertainment and so on, natural combination.
    In recent years, the booming e-commerce, to promote the rapid rise of China's many industries in new areas. E-commerce brought "sweetness" also allow more individuals or businesses continue to join them. With the rising influence of e-commerce, stainless steel screw fastener industry also started to pay attention and attach importance to this new sales model for the industry itself in. Stainless steel screw industry has also been generally aware of the future development of e-commerce for stainless steel screw industry will be an important and should not be overlooked sales model of reality. Today, there are many stainless steel screws companies have entered the field of e-commerce, e-commerce in the fastener industry to explore the development.
    Stainless steel screw fastener industry e-commerce development trend inevitable
    In 2014 China (Jiaxing) fastener industry exposition, stainless steel screws e-commerce also repeatedly been mentioned. Deputy Mayor of Jiaxing Municipal People's Government 盛全生 mentions, how to make good use of information network technology, to create a platform and profits for stainless steel screws and related industries, pay attention to e-commerce business model.
    During the exhibition, many exhibitors visited e-commerce companies have unanimously approved the industry in the future development of the important role of e-commerce development trend of stainless steel screw industry is inevitable.


8:00 - 18:00

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